Friday, June 30, 2006


Yeasterday I was at the colony for the packaging of the chickens, but I really wanted to see how it was done so I drove to colony at 8:00 and watched as they slaughtered 500 more chicken. I missed the part where they cut off the chickens head, but maybe another day.
The chickens were dropped off at the slaughter house and put into wheelbarrows. The the whole birds were thrown into hot steaming water. After they make theirway to the deplucker.

This is the deplucker it runs with hot water and it shakes and vibrates and somehow takes all the feathers of.

When the chickens make their way out of the deplucker women sort and clean them, I think.

The chickens are put on metal hooks and and travel down the assembly line. The Government Inspector is at the front of the line and the only man who works the line. The women take out the organs, vacuum out the chickens and chop of things like the feet.

From the blood, guts, nasty water and feather the clean up was surpisingly fast and within minutes everything was gone. The women were off to do housework.


Blogger ashley and nicholas said...

Oh my god... SICK. great shots, I really like the portrait of the girl picking up a chicken. Nice. I can't wait to tell Kelli to check this out and see what she has to say about it :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006 4:20:00 PM  

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